Japan is famous for it's high tech toys and gadgets, and I am always finding cool stuff that seems to only exist here. Recently I discovered something new, or at least new to me. In Japan small towels called Oshibori are given to customers at restaurants to clean your hands before eating. A local ramen restaurant here in Okinawa called Motonari offers a slightly newer, high tech version of the simple towel. Tablets in a jar that expand to a full-size towelette with water. And they are disposable. So cool! Ok, maybe I'm a little too excited, but I do think it's a cool idea. They look like large Alka-Seltzer or breath mints. Good thing I didn't try to eat one. :) I shot this with my iPhone 6 Plus.
Similar products can be purchased from Amazon here and here if your so inclined. :)
These could be really dangerous by-the-way, so please keep these away from your pets and small children.
Here are the Japanese instructions included on the table.
Instructions for using expandable towelettes.
What do you think? Pretty cool right? Thanks for visiting today, and remember to like, comment and share if you enjoyed this post. :)